ear47mtete|2000DE60D170|DB_9F2AFA_fump|planttable|description|0xfaff110900000000b101000001000500This perennial poppy produces a clump of lance shaped foliage, followed by masses of short lived orange flowers in May to June. Ideally planted along side other herbaceous plants and grasses." />
Plant Encyclopedia
Papaver Orientale 'Cedric Morris' - Papaver, Poppy

Papaver Orientale 'Cedric Morris' - Papaver, Poppy

Type Herbaceous, Deciduous
Size Medium Border (50-100cm height)
Form Rounded - Clump
Colours Medium green Foliage, Dark pink Flowers (Summer)
Care Some maintenance required
Hardiness Frost hardy
Growth Medium growing

This perennial poppy produces a clump of lance shaped foliage, followed by masses of short lived orange flowers in May to June. Ideally planted along side other herbaceous plants and grasses.

Cultivation tips: Perennial poppy prefers a sheltered position in full sun, flourishing on any well drained, fertile garden soil including relatively chalky soils. After flowering cut back foliage to encourage a new flush of attractive leaves for late summer. Divide in autumn / spring every 3 -5 years and mulch occasionally in winter to feed.
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