ear47mtete|2000DE60D170|DB_9F2AFA_fump|planttable|description|0xfaff5a0c00000000ec02000001001400This larger pampus requires plenty of space for its expansive arching foliage which can look over baring among lower growing plants. It is worth planting however for the huge and impressive plumes of white feathered spikes that will provide interest well into the winter months and can also but cut for indoor decoration. This Pampus looks best doted amongst mixed planting." />
Plant Encyclopedia
Cortaderia Selloana 'Pumila' - Pampass Grass, Cortaderia

Cortaderia Selloana 'Pumila' - Pampass Grass, Cortaderia

Type Herbaceous, Grass, Deciduous
Size Large Border (1 to 3m height)
Form Spikey
Colours Medium green Foliage, White Flowers (Autumn)
Care Some maintenance required
Hardiness Very hardy
Growth Fast growing

This larger pampus requires plenty of space for its expansive arching foliage which can look over baring among lower growing plants. It is worth planting however for the huge and impressive plumes of white feathered spikes that will provide interest well into the winter months and can also but cut for indoor decoration. This Pampus looks best doted amongst mixed planting.

Cultivation tips: Cortaderia might be overly common in the UK but then that's because its reliable and it puts on a good show. Pampus will tolerate dry soils but does best in any half decent well drained soil,including sandy and chalky soils. It will need an open spot in full sun to flower well, but beware, winter cutting back of spent flower stems and sharp foliage is tough yet essential work, so wear gloves.
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