Plant Encyclopedia
Crocosmia 'Severn Sunrise' - Crocosmia

Crocosmia 'Severn Sunrise' - Crocosmia

Type Herbaceous, Ground cover, Deciduous
Size Medium Border (50-100cm height)
Form Spreading
Colours Dark green Foliage, Orange Flowers (Summer late)
Care Some maintenance required
Hardiness Frost hardy
Growth Medium growing

Cultivation tips: Montbretia brings a reliable show of summer blossom with a minimum of fuss and bother for the gardener. Plant this herbaceous plant in a mid border location, either as a potted plant or corm - ideally in autumn - in any moist well drained (but not droughty) garden soil in full sun or part shade. Remove flower heads after flowering and trim back foliage in winter. Mulch in winter to protect corms and divide every 3-4 years / replant. Plant deep to protect corms in colder areas.
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