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40 plants found in genus "Hebe"
 Latin NameCommon NameType/DetailForm/Colour
Hebe Stricta - MacrouraHebe Stricta

Hebe Ochracea - James StirlingHebe Ochracea

'James Stirling'
Hebe - Nicholas BlushHebe

'Nicholas Blush'
Hebe Rakaiensis - Golden DomeHebe Rakaiensis

'Golden Dome'
Hebe Salicifolia - Reines de blanchesHebe Salicifolia

'Reines de blanches'
Hebe - Hielan LassieHebe

'Hielan Lassie'
Hebe - White HeatherHebe

'White Heather'
Hebe - Icing SugarHebe

'Icing Sugar'
HebeShrub, Container-friendlyLight pink flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
Hebe - Icing SugarHebe

'Icing Sugar'
Hebe - Neils ChoiceHebe

'Neil's Choice'
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