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36 plants found in genus "Iris"
 Latin NameCommon NameType/DetailForm/Colour
Iris - Golden SpiceIris

'Golden Spice'
 HerbaceousGolden flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
Iris - Tarn HowsIris

'Tarn Hows'
Iris Sibirica - Tropic NightIris Sibirica

'Tropic Night'
 HerbaceousDark blue flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
Iris PseudacorusIris PseudacorusYellow Water FlagHerbaceous, Ground cover, Container-friendlyYellow flowers (Summer early); Medium green foliage
Iris - Arctic FancyIris

'Arctic Fancy'
 HerbaceousDark blue flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
Iris - Blue RhythmIris

'Blue Rhythm'
 HerbaceousDark blue flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
Iris - NashboroughIris

 HerbaceousYellow flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
Iris - Violte IcingIris

'Violte Icing'
 HerbaceousDark blue flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
Iris HupehensisIris Hupehensis  Non-flowering
Iris - Kent PrideIris

'Kent Pride'
 HerbaceousRed flowers (Summer); Medium green foliage
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